
sweet jeebus. my feet are tired.

A few points on London:
1. Maps are only useful to a point...after which they become simply aggravating. Also, if points on a map look close together and you think "oh, I can walk there no problem...no need to take the underground", immediately stop what you are doing and punch yourself in the face.
2. The weather in London is every bit as wonderfully horrid as they say it is...today was cold, cloudy, and drizzly. The sun even made a short appearance to tease me before disappearing again, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the following dreariness.
3. Don't expect to see wizards. I didn't see any traces of them. I know that's really stupid, but I'm pissed off all the same.

If you couldn't tell by the aforementioned points, I spent all day trekking around London. I visited tons of the sights (westminster abb(e?)y, big ben, the national gallery, the tower of london, tower bridge, a random pub, etc.) Seeing as how I only got three hours of sleep last night due to jetlag, I'm amazed I made it that far.
I've still got two hours before I'm supposed to meet my dad at some place that I have no idea how to get to, and it's getting dark. Not sure what I'm going to do in between now and then. OK so the princess diaries is playing in the internet cafe and it's really distracting. um. uh...
Sorry I haven't gotten any pics up...I took more than a few good ones today and I SWEAR they will be up soon.
remember! comments = instant love.

1 comment:

Richard Sniff said...

School is robbing me of life. I should be studying, but I feel like commenting. I have been studying, though. Alot. I will probably have fully transformed into a drone once you return. Egh.

London sounds amazing in a droopy sort of way. Put the right music on your headphones and i'm sure the droops will start to boogie.

There aren't any wizards in london because you're not a wizard. I mean, they're there, they're just not going to let you know they're wizards because they think you're muggle-folk. Give me your address. I'll get my wizard hat the next time i go home and send it to you.

Until next time,