

gorgeous day today. feeling up.

1 comment:

Richard Sniff said...


Is this the first comment you've gotten? Man, we're negligent friends. But, I ran in to Allison Hartless on the Drag yesterday and gave her the blog address. I'm pretty sure she intends on posting. We had a nice short conversation-in-passing, and immediately afterwards I was interrogated by a microphoned Barbie-doll with a 1-inch layer of make-up and a large man with an even larger video camera for a head. They wanted to know if I'd had any bad Valentine's Day experiences. I completely forgot about last year when Jordan and I went to study and didn't realize until later that we were at a gay coffee shop on Valentine's Day, or I might have mentioned it. Instead I just gave her a lame story about getting boxers with hearts on them. Eh.

Well, it's about 11:30 in the morning on February 3rd here, so I take it you're either in London or almost there...or a long ways from there. Yea, you're probably far away, I guess. Unless you left really, really early this morning...Anyways, once you arrive, I want to see the picture-taking rate escalate to about 20 shots/day minimum. You can never take enough pictures. I took like six rolls when I went to Russia and it still wasn't enough. Seriously, have a camera strapped around your wrist all the time and don't stop. I want records. Photographically communicable memories.

Speaking of records, we haven't gotten to lay down any rough recordnings yet. No band practice this week. I've still been a little under the weather. Hopefully things will clear up soon. I needed today to catch up on all the school I missed this week anyways. I fixed your strat, but I'm not too happy with the solidarity of the whole little thing. Might see if there's anything else I can do. I think I pre-drilled a size too large, so I might want to re-fill it. Also, I filed the rust off of your pick-ups. You and I are going to have a long talk about guitar-maintenance when you get back, mister. This is my face of contempt.

Well, I started the Small Change album when I started posting, and it just ended so I suppose it would be a proper time to bring my post to a close.

Happy Waltzing,