

I got a JOB. (Wut wut?).
Didn't really see that happening today, but after the interview they asked me to go in tomorrow morning and start. Full time barrista (who saw that coming?). I'll finally have something to do with my day! AND I get to interact with PEOPLE, which is a concept that was beginning to seem really foreign to me. I guess it might be the part that I'm most excited about.
yay me!


"og" means "and" in danish...funny?

So my plan to hit the ground running once I got back hasn't worked out quite as planned...yesterday I got food poisoning, spent the day and night crawling to and from the bathroom. Not exactly the greatest start I can think of, but I'm feeling much better today and by tomorrow I should be back to normal. Worked on my resume today -- I don't really like writing my qualifications on paper. I'd be much more comfortable with a person to person interview in any case, but I guess with what I'm going to be doing (going door to door handing people my resume) I really don't have much of a choice.



Finally got pics posted! Click on the pictures below and it should take you to my photobucket albums. The Europe one ended up being HUGE (even though it's only a portion of the pictures I took) so I had to split it up into Europe and then Venice. The Europe album actually catalogues my journeys backwards, starting in Paris instead of Amsterdam, so if you want to view it chronologically start with my London pictures. All told, I don't have nearly enough, but I guess they'll have to do.

Tell me what you think!

Venice! (and Islands)

Photobucket Album

Pictures from Europe (Finally!)

Photobucket Album